ANSI C grammar, Lex specification

(This lex file is accompanied by a matching yacc file.)

In 1985, Jeff Lee published this Lex specification together with a Yacc grammar for the April 30, 1985 ANSI C draft. Tom Stockfisch reposted both to net.sources in 1987; that original, as mentioned in the answer to question 17.25 of the comp.lang.c FAQ, can be ftp'ed from, file usenet/net.sources/ansi.c.grammar.Z.

The version you see here has been updated based on an 1999 draft of the standards document. It allows for restricted pointers, variable arrays, "inline", and designated initializers. The previous version's lex and yacc files (ANSI C as of ca 1995) are still around as archived copies.

I want to keep this version as close to the current C Standard grammar as possible; please let me know if you discover discrepancies. (If you feel like it, read the FAQ first.)

Jutta Degener, 2012

D			[0-9]
L			[a-zA-Z_]
H			[a-fA-F0-9]
E			([Ee][+-]?{D}+)
P                       ([Pp][+-]?{D}+)
FS			(f|F|l|L)
IS                      ((u|U)|(u|U)?(l|L|ll|LL)|(l|L|ll|LL)(u|U))

#include <stdio.h>
#include ""

void count(void);

"/*"			{ comment(); }
"//"[^\n]*              { /* consume //-comment */ }

"auto"			{ count(); return(AUTO); }
"_Bool"			{ count(); return(BOOL); }
"break"			{ count(); return(BREAK); }
"case"			{ count(); return(CASE); }
"char"			{ count(); return(CHAR); }
"_Complex"		{ count(); return(COMPLEX); }
"const"			{ count(); return(CONST); }
"continue"		{ count(); return(CONTINUE); }
"default"		{ count(); return(DEFAULT); }
"do"			{ count(); return(DO); }
"double"		{ count(); return(DOUBLE); }
"else"			{ count(); return(ELSE); }
"enum"			{ count(); return(ENUM); }
"extern"		{ count(); return(EXTERN); }
"float"			{ count(); return(FLOAT); }
"for"			{ count(); return(FOR); }
"goto"			{ count(); return(GOTO); }
"if"			{ count(); return(IF); }
"_Imaginary"		{ count(); return(IMAGINARY); }
"inline"		{ count(); return(INLINE); }
"int"			{ count(); return(INT); }
"long"			{ count(); return(LONG); }
"register"		{ count(); return(REGISTER); }
"restrict"		{ count(); return(RESTRICT); }
"return"		{ count(); return(RETURN); }
"short"			{ count(); return(SHORT); }
"signed"		{ count(); return(SIGNED); }
"sizeof"		{ count(); return(SIZEOF); }
"static"		{ count(); return(STATIC); }
"struct"		{ count(); return(STRUCT); }
"switch"		{ count(); return(SWITCH); }
"typedef"		{ count(); return(TYPEDEF); }
"union"			{ count(); return(UNION); }
"unsigned"		{ count(); return(UNSIGNED); }
"void"			{ count(); return(VOID); }
"volatile"		{ count(); return(VOLATILE); }
"while"			{ count(); return(WHILE); }

{L}({L}|{D})*		{ count(); return(check_type()); }

0[xX]{H}+{IS}?		{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
0[0-7]*{IS}?		{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
[1-9]{D}*{IS}?		{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
L?'(\\.|[^\\'\n])+'	{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }

{D}+{E}{FS}?		{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
{D}*"."{D}+{E}?{FS}?	{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
{D}+"."{D}*{E}?{FS}?	{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
0[xX]{H}+{P}{FS}?	{ count(); return(CONSTANT); }
0[xX]{H}*"."{H}+{P}{FS}?     { count(); return(CONSTANT); }
0[xX]{H}+"."{H}*{P}{FS}?     { count(); return(CONSTANT); }

L?\"(\\.|[^\\"\n])*\"	{ count(); return(STRING_LITERAL); }

"..."			{ count(); return(ELLIPSIS); }
">>="			{ count(); return(RIGHT_ASSIGN); }
"<<="			{ count(); return(LEFT_ASSIGN); }
"+="			{ count(); return(ADD_ASSIGN); }
"-="			{ count(); return(SUB_ASSIGN); }
"*="			{ count(); return(MUL_ASSIGN); }
"/="			{ count(); return(DIV_ASSIGN); }
"%="			{ count(); return(MOD_ASSIGN); }
"&="			{ count(); return(AND_ASSIGN); }
"^="			{ count(); return(XOR_ASSIGN); }
"|="			{ count(); return(OR_ASSIGN); }
">>"			{ count(); return(RIGHT_OP); }
"<<"			{ count(); return(LEFT_OP); }
"++"			{ count(); return(INC_OP); }
"--"			{ count(); return(DEC_OP); }
"->"			{ count(); return(PTR_OP); }
"&&"			{ count(); return(AND_OP); }
"||"			{ count(); return(OR_OP); }
"<="			{ count(); return(LE_OP); }
">="			{ count(); return(GE_OP); }
"=="			{ count(); return(EQ_OP); }
"!="			{ count(); return(NE_OP); }
";"			{ count(); return(';'); }
("{"|"<%")		{ count(); return('{'); }
("}"|"%>")		{ count(); return('}'); }
","			{ count(); return(','); }
":"			{ count(); return(':'); }
"="			{ count(); return('='); }
"("			{ count(); return('('); }
")"			{ count(); return(')'); }
("["|"<:")		{ count(); return('['); }
("]"|":>")		{ count(); return(']'); }
"."			{ count(); return('.'); }
"&"			{ count(); return('&'); }
"!"			{ count(); return('!'); }
"~"			{ count(); return('~'); }
"-"			{ count(); return('-'); }
"+"			{ count(); return('+'); }
"*"			{ count(); return('*'); }
"/"			{ count(); return('/'); }
"%"			{ count(); return('%'); }
"<"			{ count(); return('<'); }
">"			{ count(); return('>'); }
"^"			{ count(); return('^'); }
"|"			{ count(); return('|'); }
"?"			{ count(); return('?'); }

[ \t\v\n\f]		{ count(); }
.			{ /* Add code to complain about unmatched characters */ }


int yywrap(void)
	return 1;

void comment(void)
	char c, prev = 0;
	while ((c = input()) != 0)      /* (EOF maps to 0) */
		if (c == '/' && prev == '*')
		prev = c;
	error("unterminated comment");

int column = 0;

void count(void)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; yytext[i] != '\0'; i++)
		if (yytext[i] == '\n')
			column = 0;
		else if (yytext[i] == '\t')
			column += 8 - (column % 8);


int check_type(void)
* pseudo code --- this is what it should check
*	if (yytext == type_name)
*		return TYPE_NAME;
*	return IDENTIFIER;

*	it actually will only return IDENTIFIER
